A brutal predator is on the loose, targeting women and savagely attacking them. His first victim is found chained, blinded and hanging on to life by a thread. His next target isn't so 'lucky'. After a forced bondage session, her ears are cut off and she's left for dead.

As the attacks become more frenzied, and the mutilations ever more vicious, the pressure on the Melbourne homicide squad reaches boiling point. Along with her colleagues, Detective Marita Van Hassel must muster all her profiling knowledge and investigative ingenuity to catch the killer before he strikes again. But first she must crack the killer's obsession with firelight and shadows . . .


Robert Sims

Robert Sims grew up in Melbourne, going straight from high school to a job with the Herald & Weekly Times in Flinders Street. This was to involve stints at The Sun, 3DB radio, The Sydney Morning Herald and the Papua New Guinea Post-Courier. He took a career break from journalism to complete a degree in Politics & Philosophy. After that he spent more than 20 years in London working for Independent Radio News and ITN. More recently, he's done freelance radio work with the BBC while polishing up the script of The Shadow Maker. Robert and his wife and young son divide their time between London and Melbourne.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication
Review THE SHADOW MAKER - Robert Sims
Karen Chisholm
Saturday, March 1, 2008

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