Commander Bryn Gideon and the crack Australian ‘Redback Retrieval Team’ rescue hostages from Pacific island rebels. American journalist Scott Dreher, researching computer war-game training, uncovers links between Western government agencies and known terrorist groups.

Meanwhile ritual killings in London and Tokyo, a bomb on a European train, an assassination on an Australian beach, and an attack on a US army base have half the world on high alert. The question is: are these incidents the work of isolated opportunistic terrorists, or part of something more sinister?

Gideon’s Redbacks join the race to expose the ultimate conspiracy of a truly evil force; one that plays both sides of the terror divide against each other.


Lindy Cameron

Lindy Cameron wanted to be a famous scientist when she grew up but became a surburban journalist instead, until she got bored filling the gaps between the ads and switched to book editing because it meant she didn't have to interview people. She is now a crime writer - which is what she wanted to be in the second place.

Country of Origin



Series: Bryn Gideon

Series: Kit O`Malley

Series: Scarlet Stiletto

Series: Sherlock Holmes

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)
Review REDBACK - Lindy Cameron
Karen Chisholm
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Blog Favourites of 2007
Karen Chisholm
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Review REDBACK - Lindy Cameron
Karen Chisholm
Monday, December 17, 2007
Blog Next Up
Karen Chisholm
Monday, December 10, 2007

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