“Look after the dead,” said the priests, “and the dead will look after you.” Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when you have just become the pharaoh of a small and penniless country whose largesse—and indeed treasury—is unlikely to pay for the construction of a monumental pyramid to honor your dead father. And particularly when your only visible means of support is a recently acquired qualification from the Guild of Assassins, an association wherein running a kingdom and basic financial acumen were not prerequisites for course entry.


Terry Pratchett

Sir Terry Pratchett sold his first story when he was thirteen, which earned him enough money to buy a second-hand typewriter. His first novel, a humorous fantasy entitled The Carpet People, appeared in 1971 from the publisher Colin Smythe. 

Country of Origin



Series: Discworld

Series: Science of Discworld

Year of Publication
Book Source
Reading Pile
Book Number (in series)
Review Pyramids, Terry Pratchett
Karen Chisholm
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

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