In an alternate India ruled by corrupt politicians, criminal syndicates and violent mobsters, remorseless contract killer Virat Nariman has been called out to execute a mark in exchange for information on his daughter’s killers.

Anya’s headless body found in a dumpster, drives the hitman to hunt every link in the long chain of a sex trafficking ring.

Unknown to Virat, the fate of Gulab Sharma, a 17 year old kidnapped from the heart of Indraprastha journeying through the sex slave pipeline, is tied to his success.

Will he manage to deliver bloody justice to the criminals who exploit and mercilessly murder women? Will Gulab run out of time? Find out in His Night Begins, the first book in a hardboiled crime series set in India.


Nikesh Murali

Nikesh Murali's work (which includes comics, poems and short stories) has appeared in more than 100 publications worldwide. His poems have been translated into Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. He won the DWL Short Story Prize in 2012 and the Commonwealth Short Story Prize for the Asian region in 2011. His poetry was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2007. He has received honourable mentions for the Katha Short Story Prize twice and has been nominated twice for Townsville Arts Award in Writing. He completed his Masters in Journalism from Griffith University for which he was awarded the Griffith University Award for Academic Excellence in 2005, and his Masters in Teaching from James Cook University and a Bachelors degree in English Literature and World History from University of Kerala. Nikesh works as a communications professional in the corporate world and is studying law at Queensland University of Technology.

Country of Origin


Series: Virat Nariman

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

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