Their college days are long-gone, but their reunion will be murder…

When Lexie Wyatt’s close friend Helen is frightened by an unexpected visit from an ex-university flatmate, Lexie is determined to help. She contrives an invitation to a weekend reunion of the group at one of England’s ancient stone circles. While there one of them admits they believe their long-dead friend was murdered.

Digging into the flatmates’ secrets, Lexie discovers they have lied. Could they also have committed murder?

There is another murder at the stone circles, and Lexie uncovers information that may connect the two crimes… and implicate her good friend.

Is someone targeting the former students, or is the killer one of the group?

After another murder, Lexie is in a race against time to discover the killer before there are yet more deaths.


Shauna Bickley

Shauna writes crime novels featuring characters who aren't afraid to solve mysteries, find murderers, and generally get themselves in all sorts of danger. In real life, Shauna wouldn't be found doing any of these things.

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Series: Lexie Wyatt

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