Early one Sunday, the town of Molliston wakes to the news that a young bride is dead.

The year is 1929. The Great War with Germany has been fought and won, but at an immense cost to the small community. Death is too familiar here. So many sons were lost. So many daughters would never be wives; so many grandchildren would never be born. Racial hatred is like a bushfire in the belly of some.

And the dead girl is found only yards from the property of old Joe Reichenberg, a German. Tom Thompson, the local cop, lost his two sons in Gallipoli. He believes he has come to terms with his bereavement - until that Sunday.

Slowly, the true face of Molliston is exposed. By midnight, a full moon is offering its light - and a glimmer of hope.


Joy Dettman

Joy Dettman was born in Echuca in Victoria and spent her early years in small country towns in NSW and Victoria. She now lives in Melbourne. A mother of four, she is a full-time writer and author of several award-winning stories. Her first novel Mallawindy was a huge success, and was followed by highly acclaimed novels Jacaranda Blue, Goose Girl, Yesterday's Dust and The Seventh Day.

Country of Origin



Series: Mallawindy

Year of Publication

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