Sid Halley is back and he has a new left hand having had a transplant since his last appearance in Refusal. An ex-jockey trainer friend calls him to ask for his help in finding out who has threatened him but Sid has his own problems of a marital nature, and he puts the friend off for a couple of days. However, the very next morning, the friend’s stable yard is torched, horses killed, and then the friend is found dead. The police think it’s suicide but Sid is not convinced. Sid starts to investigate and soon finds himself embroiled in a conspiracy that cuts to the very heart of the integrity of British horse racing. Can Sid get to the bottom of what’s going on before he too becomes a victim, while, at the same time, saving his marriage? 


Felix Francis

For over forty years, the London University grad helped father Dick Francis (31 Oct 1920 – 14 Feb 2010), ex-jockey known for horse-racing mysteries. In 2007, after 17 years teaching physics, he took on the job full-time. Experience also as international marksman aided research for Shattered, Under Orders, and Twice Shy. Co-author of NY Times bestsellers Dead Heat, Silks, Even Money and Crossfire.

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Series: Sid Halley

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