Sydney, 1828.  All is not well.  One of the convict colony's soldiers has been murdered and Governor Ralph Darling is not pleased.

Reluctantly, he turns to Nicodemus Dunne for help.  Dunne, a fallen Bow Street Runner now transported to Australia, makes his living as a running patterer, hawking news on the dusty streets.  Only he has the detective skills required to chase down the ritual killer and stop the ever-bewildering series of gruesome murders that follow the first.

As he searches, Dunne joins forces with the entrancing seamstress Rachel Dormin and soon discovers that too many people, from the Governor down, have secrets worth killing for.


Robin Adair

Veteran Sydney journalist Robin Adair has had a wide and colourful career at the Daily and Sunday Telegraphs,the Australian Financial Review and the ABC. For many years he reflected on the lighter side of life in a humorous column for the Australian Woman's Weekly. He has been a lifelong student of early colonial history, especially police, pubs, crime and punishment. One of his ancestors was an early Sydney police superintendent; he believes another was a London judge who sent many convicts to Australia.

Country of Origin


Series: Nicodemus Dunne

Year of Publication
Special Interests
Karen Chisholm
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Blog Currently Reading - Death and the Running Patterer, Robin Adair
Karen Chisholm
Friday, August 28, 2009

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