Old Selwyn Dixon has been boring Syd Fish and other regulars at the Acropolis cafe for years with stories about his heyday as a jockey. When he goes missing, nobody notices but Val, the big-hearted waitress at the Kings Cross greasy spoon. Even Selwyn's employer, a social-climbing Sydney trainer, seems oddly uninterested in the little jockey's welfare.

When Val guilts Syd into looking for Selwyn, the clues lead to Crash Through, a panel beating shop that serves as business headquarters for a bikie gang, and ultimately to the racing world. Assisted by taciturn bouncer Luther Huck, and journalist Lizzie Darcy, Syd is catapulted into a case that includes car bombings, scheming women, a dawn motor cycle ride, an unpleasant experience at the morgue, and a shoot-out in Rushcutters Bay Park.


Susan Geason

Susan Geason was born in Tasmania, grew up largely in Queensland, and now lives in Sydney. She has a BA in History and Politics from the University of Queensland and a Masters Degree in political theory from the University of Toronto, Canada, where she lived for some years. She is the author of the series of cult novels about PI Syd Fish, set in Kings Cross/Darlinghurst in Sydney. She has also written Wildfire, a psychological thriller with a female protagonist. These mysteries have been published in French and German.

Country of Origin



Series: Syd Fish

Year of Publication
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