This book tells the unique true-life story of Sophia Huston. Set in Sydney's upper echelons, Sophia offers love-for-sale to high society's elite businessmen.

Born into eye-watering wealth, Sophia is intelligent, stunning, and a charming sophisticate. Life's perfect until her mother dies, and her father's business bankrupted. Sophia and her sister face tough decisions that risk everything.University educated, Sophia, speaks four languages and sets her sights on re-securing her once affluent lifestyle.

At first, she begins a complicated affair with her father's business associate. Within a year, Sophia secretly plots to live two separate lives. One in a quiet Sydney suburb, working as an interior designer to camouflage her real occupation as a secret lover to several powerful and wealthy men.

In a matter of years, she secures a luxurious penthouse and sets up business as a high-class mistress for several powerful men. Each lover believes he is the one and only, and each pays Sophia a monthly retainer to keep her on-call. Will Sophia's duplicitous arrangement survive prying questions? How smart does she have to be to survive blackmail and manage her wealthy clients? Will her accumulated wealth buy her happiness? 

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