Murder by Candlelight, Faith Martin

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

My fault this one. I've been enjoying a few crime fiction novels on the cosier end of the spectrum recently, but this one, alas, was too far into that world for my taste. Perfectly good novel for fans of that overtly English, slightly dotty, eccentric small village style of novel. Just not for me.


Year of Publication

The Cotswolds, 1924. At the Old Forge in the quiet village of Maybury-in-the-Marsh a cry of anguish rings lady of the house Amy Phelps has been discovered dead. But with all the windows and doors to her room locked from inside, how – and by whom – was she killed? Arbuthnot ‘Arbie’ Swift finds himself in the unlikely position of detective. The celebrated author of The Gentleman’s Guide to Ghost-Hunting is staying at the Old Forge to investigate a suspected spectre, but now the more pressing matter of Amy’s murder falls to him too. With old friend Val, he soon uncovers a sorry tale of altered wills, secret love affairs and tragic losses – and plenty of motives for murder. When events take another sinister turn, Arbie must find the killer, fast. And to do so will mean cracking a most perfectly plotted crime…

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