Hot Flush, Rosy Fenwicke

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

Comedic crime fiction has to be one of the hardest sub-genre's to pull off. Comedy is so subjective, and crime fiction often tackles tricky subject matter. Add to that a hefty supernatural component and HOT FLUSH is a book that's appealing to a specific sub-set of readers.

The central character here is the main voice, Euphemia Sage. She's a menopausal woman whose first hot-flush triggers a genetic switch that gives her supernatural powers. So the idea is that she gets super hearing ability post menopause, which then allows her to track down nefarious goings on. 

Sage is one of those over-sharing styled voices, which depending upon the recipient is like to be either funny or grating. It's an idea that's either going to absolutely appeal to some readers, or drive others insane. One for readers to decide for themselves.

Year of Publication


Euphemia Sage watched helplessly as Jane, covered in blood, clutched her precious jewelry and was bundled into the Mercedes. Just a few days earlier she’d discovered that Alison, her mousy receptionist at Sage Consulting, had been working as a loan shark on the side. And now Alison, her husband and those thick-necked men in the cheap suits wanted the money back.

When a desperate Jane had come to Euphemia, of course she had to help. After all, wasn’t this what she was supposed to do? Euphemia had waited more than twenty years to find out if the story in the mysterious letter she’d received on her thirtieth birthday was true. So when at 53 her first hot flush triggered a genetic switch and gave her unexpected powers, she felt more than ready to save Jane and deal to Alison.

But what had seemed simple suddenly became complicated when Alison produced a gun. 

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