Josie Buhrman has a terrific partner to whom she has told rather a lot of lies to.  Caleb, with all his Kiwi charm, has been a solid and loving anchor for Josie, separating her from the mess of her family past which included the scandalous murder of her father, and the exit of her mother to a cult like order.   Josie has travelled a long way from the mid-western town where she grew up and has set up a good life for herself away from all of the skeletons still festering in her family closet. It has been blissful and soul affirming for Josie to be so far in recent years from her manipulative twin sister Lanie.  It is only the death of their mother that draws Josie back to her home town once again to face her twin and the extended family that were called upon many years to care for Josie and Lanie.

The recent publication of a hit podcast blows Josie’s past back into her face with unexpected force and vitriol.  The re-examining of the murder of Charles Buhrman brings Josie and her family to the fresh attention of a voracious new content hungry generation who are keen for the thrill and less interested in the damage that was done to the two young children in the house at the time of the murder.  The creepy next-door neighbour, convicted all those years ago largely on the evidence of Lanie, is touted to have been wrongly convicted by Poppy Parnell, investigative journalist and podcaster extraordinaire.  Josie’s heart slowly begins to break as she is forced to question all she thought she knew about the murder of her father.


Kathleen Barber

Kathleen Barber was raised in Galesburg, Illinois. She graduated from the University of Illinois and Northwestern University School of Law, and previously practiced bankruptcy law at large firms in Chicago and New York. When she’s not writing, Kathleen enjoys traveling the world with her husband.

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