First in the series "The Notting Hill Mysteries" originally published in 1992, An Uncommon Murder introduces Alex Tanner is another entrant in a long tradition of accidental investigators, although working, as she does, as a freelance researcher - this time for a possible magazine article - she's got some good reasons to get herself into the situations she finds herself in.
An interesting character, An Uncommon Murder was a good investigation / character based story with a well carried out complication at the end.
A TV producer asks Alex Tanner to investigate the famous society murder of the 1950s, the shooting of Lord Sherwin. Although suspicion quickly fell on his beautiful wife Laura, the case was unsolved. But Miss Potter, once the Sherwin governess, is now ready to tell her story.
Review | AN UNCOMMON MURDER - Anabel Donald | Karen Chisholm
Monday, October 1, 2007 |