Douglas Aspine knew that being CEO of a public company was twenty times more lucrative than winning the lottery. He was forty-five and time was running out when fate dealt him an unexpected opportunity.

The company was old, staid and well-respected but it was underperforming and Aspine was determined to turn it around no matter who he had to crush or how many toes he had to stand on.

Soon he was at war with the company’s employees, unions, suppliers, financiers and co-directors but nothing was going to stop him. Not his chairman, not his wife, not his mistress, not the anonymous death threats and definitely not the press. 

Aspine could almost taste the glory, the riches and peer recognition he’d craved for so long. He knew he had countless detractors and enemies who he contemptuously labeled “losers” and paid no heed to. Would this prove to be a miscalculation of monumental proportions or would he prevail?


Peter Ralph

Peter Ralph spent his early business life as a chartered accountant, specialising in corporate recoveries and reconstructions. In the mid 1980's he became CEO of a mid-sized private company and grew it to the point where it was successfully listed. Eventually, Peter became a share and deriviatives trader and continues in that field today. In addition to financial markets and writing, he has a keen interest in squash, tennis, golf and snow skiing. The breadth and duration of his business career has prepared him well for writing suspense novels based around business themes.

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Blog The CEO by Peter Ralph
Karen Chisholm
Friday, November 2, 2007

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