A dead man alive at Melbourne's Festival Hall; a merino-shaped lake; a stolen copy of Thoreau's Walden; ASIO's wall of silence; Sandy Carmichael can pick up the pieces, but to fit the jigsaw together, he needs to risk his life. Ligny's Lake, is a thriller that weirdly echoes the disappearance of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt.


S H Courtier

Full name Sidney Hobson Courtier (28 Jan 1904-1974), born in Kangaroo Flat, Victoria. Australian teacher/principal; President P.E.N. (Melbourne branch) who has written 22 mystery/detective novels with series characters Inspector "Digger" Haig and Inspector (later Superintendent) Ambrose Mahon (often ingenious, sometimes in bizarre physical settings) 

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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