A gripping short crime story featuring Darian Richards by Australia's 2012 bestselling debut crime writer Tony Cavanaugh. Includes previews of his two full-length novels.

Darian Richards is a retired homicide investigator. He was one of the best. But chasing monsters eventually took its toll and he quit the force to sit on a jetty on the Noosa River. Or so he planned.

After years of service, witnessing the best and the worst of policing, Darian has made up his own mind about justice. Whenever a horrific crime is committed debate rages about the nature of punishment. As far as the law is concerned justice doesn't condone revenge, but tell that to the family of a murder victim or to the woman you can't protect. Darian Richards knows that in the real world, when your hands are tied, sometimes revenge is the only justice.

"The Soft Touch" takes you deep into Darian's past, to the life lessons that made him who he is. He is a man you want looking out for you not looking for you.


Tony Cavanaugh

Tony Cavanaugh is a writer and producer in film and television, writing numerous dramas since the 1980s. He has over thirty years’ experience in the industry, in all fields, from the genesis of an idea to production. He has written and edited award winning shows, The Sullivans, Once Were Warriors, Fire, Medivac, The Day of Roses and Through My Eyes. He has lectured at several prestigious universities and institutions including RMIT, Melbourne University and the Australian Writer's Guild and has been a regular guest on ABC morning radio with Jon Faine, commenting on the film and television industry. He was also invited to judge the Logie Awards, Australian Film Institute Awards and the International Emmy Awards, held in New York.

Country of Origin


Series: Darian Richards

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Series: Lara Ocean

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Year of Publication
Review THE SOFT TOUCH - Tony Cavanaugh
Karen Chisholm
Friday, April 26, 2013

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