An unusual suspense thriller inspired by alchemy, riddles and the work of Carl Jung, The Malice Box traces the desperate race against time of Robert, an English journalist in New York, to halt the detonation of a mysterious spiritual weapon -- a doomsday device of unimaginable power, hidden somewhere in Manhattan -- called the Ma'rifat', or Gnosis. Guided only by the independent-minded young psychic Terri and his troubled old college friend Adam, and under the gaze of the sinister Watchman, Robert must undergo seven ordeals in as many days, each taking him further towards danger, and deeper into the mysteries of his own past. Published in the USA by Pegasus Books, The Malice Box draws on a wide array of religious and wisdom traditions to tell a story of spiritual jeopardy and redemption.


Martin Langfield

Martin Langfield has been a foreign correspondent, bureau chief and editor for Reuters since 1987, working mostly in the Americas. He has reported from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Mexico, Peru, Cuba, Madrid, Miami, London and New York. He now works with the company's Breakingviews commentary team. Martin studied French and Spanish languages and literature at Trinity Hall, Cambridge University in England. He has also worked as an English teacher in Paris and studied indigenous literature in Mexico. He lives in New York.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication
Review THE MALICE BOX - Martin Langfield
Karen Chisholm
Monday, October 15, 2007

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