Free and breezy Astrid Bell lives in the moment, working as a bike courier in busy London, placing down no permanent roots or committing herself to relationships that might not make the distance.  She shares a crumbling old house in an established street with a bunch of other displaced young people who have little in common other than the fact that money is short and they all agree that the location is good.   One night Astrid is accidentally knocked off her bike by an elderly neighbour - no big deal really other than a few cuts and scrapes, but it is what happens after that disturbs the life of the otherwise quiet street.  Peggy Farrell the next morning is found dead amongst the dustbins, clearly by the hand of another, and Astrid and her friends were the last to see the poor woman alive.

Attracting trouble once again, Astrid is called to collect a parcel from a wealthy woman's home and finds no parcel, only a dead woman.  As she is questioned by the police it isn't immediately obvious to her what the connections to the two deaths are, bearing in mind that is was pure co-incidence that Astrid was the courier called upon that day.  The police however are firm and insist that the common factor in this murder, and in subsequent others, of course, is Astrid herself.


Nicci French



Pseudonym Of

Nicci Gerrard

Nicci Gerrard was born in June 1958 in Worcestershire. After graduating with a first class honours degree in English Literature from Oxford University, she began her first job, working with emotionally disturbed children in Sheffield. 

Country of Origin

Sean French

Sean French was born in May 1959 in Bristol, to a British father and Swedish mother. He too studied English Literature at Oxford University at the same time as Nicci, also graduating with a first class degree, but their paths didn't cross until 1990. In 1981 he won Vogue magazine's Writing Talent Contest, and from 1981 to 1986 he was their theatre critic. During that time he also worked at the Sunday Times as deputy literary editor and television critic, and was the film critic for Marie Claire and deputy editor of New Society.

Country of Origin
Country of Origin



Year of Publication
Review UNTIL IT'S OVER by Nicci French
Andrea Thompson
Monday, July 7, 2008

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