I hereby record those events which took place in and around the city of Lazet relating to the assassination of our venerable Brother Augustin Duese in the year of the Incarnate Word, 1318. So writes Brother Bernard, an Inquisitor of Heretical Depravity, following the discovery of his superior's dismembered corpse. At a time when heresy is a heinous offence, routed out with ruthless determination, Brother Bernard is accustomed to dispensing harsh justice. But as he attempts to make sense of this shocking crime, he himself becomes an object of persecution-thanks to his passionate involvement with a mysterious suspect and her beautiful daughter. Pursued as a heretic, implicated as a murderer, Bernard must now face his accusers. To fail such a task, in fourteenth century France, means certain death.

In the tradition of The Name of the Rose, Catherine Jinks has crafted a magnificent tale of murder, forbidden lust and betrayal.


Catherine Jinks

Catherine Jinks was born in Brisbane and grew up in Sydney and Papua New Guinea. She became a writer because she loves reading, as well as history, films, TV and gossip. The author of over twenty books for children and adults, including the award-winning Pagan series, Catherine writes whenever she gets a moment (i.e. when her daughter's not around!) and could write for eight hours straight if she had the chance but never does these days. She gets her ideas for her novels from everywhere particularly good science fiction films. Catherine lives in the Blue Mountains with her Canadian husband and young daughter Hannah.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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