SHAVED FISH - Susan Geason

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

Syd Fish is a failed journalist, sacked political minder and start up private investigator on the "mean" streets of Sydney.

Shaved Fish is a series of short stories which introduce the reader to the laconic, bumbling, accidental PI.

There's a good touch of humour in these stories, although many of the resolutions to the mysteries are of the "fall out of the sky into his lap" type.

Good, silly, filler in reading though.


Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

Who killed Devon Kent, a big-mouthed stripper who'd run out of credit? Who dared kidnap the pornographer's son? Why were Sydney's derros afraid for their lives? Where was Precious Ho, nymphomaniac Little Sister of a Chinese drug queen?

It's up to Syd Fish-failed journalist, sacked political minder and fledgling private investigator-to find out. Shaved Fish is a breakneck tour through the Sydney tourists never see. Cynical, street-smart and master of the deadly one-liner, Syd Fish is the most entertaining guide you'll ever meet. If Rachel is to survive, she must unlock her memory and face the fear that she has kept hidden in the darkest recesses of her mind.

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