On the outskirts of Paris, two men are discovered with their throats cut.  In Normandy, two stags have been killed and their hearts cut out.  Meanwhile, a seventy-five-year old nurse who had murdered several of her patients has escaped from prison.  Is there a connection between the three cases?


Fred Vargas

Pseudonym Of

Frédérique Audoin-Rouzeau

Fred Vargas is the pseudonym of the French historian, archaeologist and writer Frédérique Audoin -Rouzeau (often mistakenly spelled "Audouin-Rouzeau"). She is the daughter of Philippe Audoin(-Rouzeau), a surrealist writer who was close to André Breton, and the sister of the historian Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, a noted specialist of the First World War who inspired her the character of Lucien Devernois.

Archeo-zoologist and historian by trade, she undertook a project on the epidemiology of the Black Death and bubonic plague, the result of which was a scientific work published in 2003 and still considered definitive in this research area: Les chemins de la peste : Le rat la puce et l'homme (Pest Roads).

Country of Origin
Country of Origin



Series: Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

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