Avalon Bolt is missing.

And her words suggest she doesn't particularly want to be found. But her wealthy father is prepared to send London detective Barry Donovan halfway around the world to bring her back. Donovan's not complaining. After all, who is he to stand in the way of an all-expenses-paid trip to Australia? But Australia isn't the lucky country he's heard about and the case is not what he expected. Donovan soon discovers that Avalon has disappeared without a trace. But how come he keeps seeing her likeness on billboards and on the faces of strangers? And how come people who knew her are turning up dead? Donovan finds himself drawn into the vortex of corruption and treachery that is the Sydney under-world, a dangerous realm of prostitution, drug addiction, blackmail and pornography ...

And he discovers that love can either rise out of the ashes or it can fester and become deadly revenge.

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