from Sisters in Crime Australia member, P D Martin 
Hi there,
 have  launched something very exciting and scary (as you may know if you're on Facebook).
I'm about to start writing an ebook with one key difference - each week anyone can vote on what they think should happen in the next chapter. I will be posting the options, but then you vote and majority rules. Once the voting's closed, I start writing!
Title: Coming Home
Plot: Aussie FBI profiler Sophie Anderson returns to Australia to solve her brother’s 28-year-old murder.
As far as I know this is a 'world first' - the first time an author is letting readers drive the plot and characters of a book through votes. Hopefully I'm up to the challenge.
So, find out more at is external) and then vote for the first chapter at is external) This week's voting covers why Sophie goes back to Australia and whether Darren goes with her (is in the book). So far 90% of the voters want Darren in the book!
And don't forget to tell anyone you think might be interested and/or post online. The more voters the merrier.

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Submitted by Karen on Wed, 02/12/2009 - 07:14 pm