This is an e-short story / novella book that Ronald was kind enough to ask me to review - so I sat down the other day and started reading it.  It's pretty good I've got to say - but a more reasoned / detailed review to come later today to tomorrow once I've bashed my notes into something vaguely coherent.

Opening Lines:

It was spring and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.  Unfortunately I was stuck in my office repairing the walls and painting.  It was long overdue.

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

Ruth Addems is a soap opera star on the rise, but when her house in the affluent neighborhood of Black Hawk is broken into it looks as if she has a stalker and she is reffered to Rey. But Rey quickly finds out that things aren't always as they appear. In the world of Hollywood everyone has secrets and most stories are the stuff that nightmares are made of. Rey learns that once an object is in motion, it remains in motion...

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Submitted by Karen on Wed, 23/02/2011 - 07:12 pm