Well it's a month since the Crime & Justice festival and I've decided to stop saying I'm running late in the occasional paltry commentary on things and just say I'm not going to be rushed into anything.

But we were lucky enough to spend the weekend at the 2nd Crime & Justice Festival put on by Readers Feast bookshop.

What a great little festival it's shaping up to be.

Concentrating on crime fiction and crime / justice issues, there was another wonderful guest lineup this year, and it was very gratifying to see an increase in the number of participants.

The wine at the bakery was excellent.  The weather was sunny, cold but not as miserable as it was the first year, and the Convent is just such a marvellous venue for this gathering.

Again, lovely to sit in the sun and enjoy a quiet read between sessions with total strangers of like mind.  There's a sense of community at this festival that we really felt the loss of at MWF last year.

Really - cannot recommend the Crime & Justice festival highly enough.  There's plenty to keep the avid readers occupied for an entire day, or you could dip in and out of sessions that suit. 

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Submitted by Karen on Sun, 20/09/2009 - 07:14 pm