In a close examination of an assault victim's body, a forensic physician can "read" the terrible alphabet that fists and weapons have written across it. A crime scene investigator notes the tiny indentations on the fragments of a tin can identified at a bomb site, enabling him to find the can opener that made them - and the bomb-maker who used it. A forensic dentist identifies the thief who dropped some chewing gum, with his teeth marks in it, during a burglary.

Liz Porter's riveting case book shows how forensic investigators - including pathologists, chemists, entomologists, DNA specialists and document examiners - have used their expertise in dozens of fascinating crimes and mysteries.


Liz Porter

 Liz Porter is a journalist who began her career in Hong Kong and then worked in Sydney, London and Stuttgart before returning to her home town of Melbourne, where she is a feature writer for the Sunday Age. She has won awards for her writing on legal issues and has published a novel. She lives with her partner, her daughter and the obligatory female-writer quota of two cats and is a hopelessly devoted fan of the St Kilda Football Club.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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