70 years hoping the bomb doesn’t go off. 
One chance to do something about it.

Jack Emery has thrown himself into nuclear disarmament with the zeal of a man who saved the world from annihilation. He now knows one nuclear weapon is one too many. 

The Latvian arms dealer known only as Kharlov thinks otherwise. Though he’s made a fortune from Russian incursions into eastern Europe, when Russian troops cross the border into his own country, money is the last thing on Kharlov’s mind. 

As Kharlov’s thirst for vengeance threatens to derail the most complex nuclear disarmament negotiations ever, President McGhinnist has his hands tied. He knows Kharlov can’t be allowed to succeed, but he can’t move to stop him either. 

Jack has no such limitations and faces his most dangerous fight yet.


Steve P. Vincent

Steve P. Vincent lives with his wife in a pokey apartment in Melbourne’s north-west, where he’s forced to write on the couch in front of an obnoxiously large television. When he’s not writing, Steve keeps food and flat whites on the table working for the man. He enjoys beer, whisky, sports and dreaming up ever more elaborate conspiracy theories to write about. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Political Science and History. His honours thesis was on the topic of global terrorism. He has travelled extensively through Europe, the United States and Asia.

Country of Origin



Series: Jack Emery

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

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