He was known as "Mr Sin", yet despite his involvement in illegal gambling, sly grog, prostitution and money laundering for nearly sixty years, Abe Saffron faught the nick name most of his adult life. He spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on defamation suits trying to disprove what everyone except himself accepted.  He was a crook.

MR SIN: THE ABE SAFFRON DOSSIER chronicles Abe Saffron's life as a major underworld figure in Sydney. 

Journalist Tony Reeves spent nearly 40 years of his working life charting the doings of Abe Saffron. He was regarded as one of the foremost authories on Saffron.  MR SIN is the end result of his observations.

Reeves details Saffron's involvement in crime and how he built up around himself through a combination of bribery and blackmail, a wall of legal, law-enforcement and political figures who ensured his protection from prosecution for decades.


Tony Reeves

Tony Reeves is an investigative journalist of many years standing. He first became interested in Lennie McPherson more than thirty years ago and has been following the miasma of corruption that has hung above Sydney ever since. He has worked as a journalist with the ABC, Nation Review, the Sunday Telegraph and the Sunday Australian, all the time peeling away deep layers of untruth to expose the real workings of Australia's underworld. His reporting helped bring about the Moffitt Royal Commission into organised crime. He now enjoys a quieter life in Brisbane.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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