Bindy is the smartest girl at Ashbury High. She ranks in the 99.9th percentile in everything she does (including extra-curricular activities – she is casual Employee of the Month every month at Kmart). She is also the kindest girl at Ashbury High. For example:

• Before each school year begins, she memorises departmental outlines of her subjects. That way, she can gently prompt those teachers who forget or stray from the course.

• She reads up on common teen anxieties, and offers lunch-time advisory sessions in a relaxed, convivial setting (the locker room).

But Bindy suspects that something may be missing – something more than the 0.1 she needs to make the 100th percentile. And, on the first day of Year 11, at the first session of the FAD (Friendship and Development) Project, her worst suspicions are confirmed.

Nobody likes her.

So Bindy makes a decision. Enough of this compassionate Bindy; she has been wasting her time. The real and ruthless Bindy is about to emerge.


Jaclyn Moriarty

Jaclyn Moriarty grew up in Sydney's north-west with four sisters, one brother, two dogs and twelve chickens. She studied English and Law at the University of Sydney, and then spent a year in the US doing a Masters at Yale, and a further three years in England, writing a PhD at Cambridge. When she returned home, the chickens had blown away in a thunderstorm.  She spent four years working as a media and entertainment lawyer and now writes full time so that she can sleep in each day. She and her Canadian partner, author, Colin McAdam, divide their time between Sydney and Montreal, depending on where the summer is.

Country of Origin




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