The Last Continent, Terry Pratchett

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

Book 22 in the Discworld series, this is book 6 in the Rincewind subseries, Rincewind being a wizard, if you believe his hat, and an adventurer by accident, definitely not choice.

In THE LAST CONTINENT Pratchett is taking a good hard look at evolution and I just absolutely love the blurb on this book, and the whole darn book made me laugh, a lot. Which is high praise as obviously The Last Continent is a reference to Australia, and god knows so many satirists get everything and everybody in this place wrong so often, you can't help but marvel.

Pie floaters get a mention, along with some glorious Mad Max styled car crashes, and there's even a hat tip to Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Along with many others. And then there's the cleaning lady / stranded lovelorn wizards story....

Overall this is very much a Rincewind and the Wizards antics based book of roaringly funny moments. No worries.

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

'Anything you do in the past changes the future. The tiniest little actions have huge consequences. You might tread on an ant now and it might entirely prevent someone from being born in the future.'

There's nothing like the issue of evolution to get under the skin of academics. Especially when those same academics are by chance or bad judgement deposited at a critical evolutionary turning point when one wrong move could have catastrophic results for the future. Unfortunately in the hands of such an inept and cussed group of individuals, the sensitive issue of causality is sadly only likely to receive the same scant respect that they show to one another...

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