A beautiful young widow finds that her job at an Irish castle plunges her into mystery and adventure - autocratic old Miss O'Riordan, her nephews Rory and Liam and her niece Kitty all have secrets connected with the family skeleton in the cupboard, the dead Shamus's marriage.


Dorothy Eden

Dorothy Enid Eden (1912-1982) grew up on an isolated farm in New Zealand's South Island. She worked for some years as a legal secretary, but always wanted to be a writer. She wrote children's stories for a local farming publication and at age 21 published her first story for adults. These early writings were published under the name of Ena Eden. Her first book was published in 1940. She travelled extensively after the war, settling in London in the early 1950s, eventually becoming a full time writer. Eden's books have included family sagas, thrillers, gothic fiction and historical novels. By 1980 she was among the ten best-selling authors in the world, and was translated into many other languages. At least one book, ''Crow Hollow'', was filmed.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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