A missing student. A gunned-down detective. A woman in fear for her life. All three are connected. Detective Inspector Carl Sant and his team get on the case. But what links the disappearance of a university student, the death of an off-duty police sergeant, and a professor reluctant to help them solve the case? Their only clue is a sequence of numbers, etched on a misty window. Soon, both the past and the present are on a collision course with the very heart of Sant’s profession. Racing against time, D.I. Sant must find out what's behind the mysterious events - before the bodies start piling up.


Dan Laughey

Dan Laughey was born in Otley and bred in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, a hop and a skip away from the Leeds setting of his Chloe thrillers featuring no-holds-barred Detective Inspector Carl Sant. He now lives in nearby Guiseley and shares his time between England and Thailand, home of his in-laws. He lectures at Leeds Beckett University where he teaches a course called ‘Youth, Crime and Culture’. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Salford University and an MA in Communication Studies from the University of Leeds.

Country of Origin


Series: Carl Sant Murder Mysteries

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