Soul Music, Terry Pratchett

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

Book 16 of the Discworld series and Death's granddaughter Susan is starting to realise that her Grandfather is a bit different. Even more surprising is the idea that she might be expected to take on the family business in the event that Death is .... distracted. Meanwhile the Discworld is discovering "Music with Rocks In" and it likes what it's listening to. Or the money that it seems to be attracting, or the glamour. Or something.

Susan and Death are an interesting family combination and Susan a no-nonsense, get on with it sort of Governess that anybody should be pleased to have dealing with the things that go bump in children's imaginations (or under their beds for real). In this outing though she's part of a bigger picture that's all about the new music craze that's sweeping the place, and the things it seems to be doing to everybody's head, and taste in fashion.

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

On the planet of Discworld, phrases like "there's a Death in the family" take on a whole new meaning. Young Susan has always suspected that her Grandfather was different, as though all the time he spent riding a white horse and wielding a scythe weren't enough of a giveaway. Now that her worst fears have been confirmed, Susan learns that she's expected to take over the family business when she grows up, even though most people mistake her for the Tooth Fairy. But as attractive as Death can be to many people, Susan is drawn into something else: the exciting, addictive heavy beats of "Music with Rocks In," Discworld's latest dance craze.

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