Knitting Needles and Knives, Rodney Strong

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

Alice Atkinson is back, laid up with an injured ankle and mildly bored. When her friend, and fellow resident of Silvermoon Retirement Centre, Owen asks for her help with his wayward granddaughter who has gotten herself into a spot of trouble. Nothing compared to the trouble she's going to be in when her boyfriend is found dead on the Centre grounds, and she keeps conveniently "forgetting" to make with all those little details of a story that mean that Alice can think her way to a solution.

Being laid up doesn't stop Alice, although it does complicate the investigation slightly, especially with the slow drip feed of information going on.

The third novel in the Silvermoon Retirement Centre series, these are tailored made for fans of cosy, fun crime fiction, with a central character who is very engaging, albeit a bit more than meets the eye herself.


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Alice Atkinson is back, and not quite better than ever. Being laid up with an injured ankle doesn't slow her down too much as her friend Owen asks her for help with his granddaughter. She's gotten herself into a spot of bother. It's not long before the spot turns into a murder.

Once more Alice has to do dust off her unique skills and navigate the murky world of murders, liars, and knitters. 

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