In this electronic age (the cliches just roll off the tongue), it's interesting watching how publishing is changing. Golden Relic was commission by the Museum of Victoria as a lead up to the International Council of Museums triennial conference in Melbourne. The brief was to write a thriller, one chapter at a time, on the Internet.

Titled Stolen Property on the Web (www., this intelligent crime tale incorporates Indiana Jones style adventure with mystery and suspense, taking the reader on a wild ride around the world. When Professor Lloyd Marsden is found murdered in the Museum of Victoria, Detective Sam Diamond is thrown into a world of strange artefacts, deadly poisons and rapacious collectors. Good fun, and better on real paper.


Lindy Cameron

Lindy Cameron wanted to be a famous scientist when she grew up but became a surburban journalist instead, until she got bored filling the gaps between the ads and switched to book editing because it meant she didn't have to interview people. She is now a crime writer - which is what she wanted to be in the second place.

Country of Origin



Series: Bryn Gideon

Series: Kit O`Malley

Series: Scarlet Stiletto

Series: Sherlock Holmes

Year of Publication

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