Novelist Gregory Worthington flees to Malta, where he hopes to find sanctuary from his crumbling marriage and inspiration for his next novel. The inspiration arrives upon hearing of the village mystery of a missing child. This becomes the subject of his writing, but his investigations are fraught with difficulty. His romance with a local woman can either restore or ruin his career, but who is the unexpected female visitor? The village parish priest shows veiled antagonism towards him, which is countered by a friendship struck with a mysterious doctor.

"Life is not a novel, Mr Worthington, in which everything is resolved by the last twenty pages," says the parish priest. But there are questions that must be answered, and Worthington determines to find the solutions before he leaves Malta.


Rosanne Dingli

Rosanne Dingli was born in Malta in the 1950s, and has lived in Australia since 1982. Her work has been published in journals, magazines, papers and reviews since 1986. Rosanne has worked as a travel consultant, lecturer, cook, heraldic artist, corporate and personal editor, tutor, business partner, manuscript assessor and slushpile reader. Among her many awards for fiction are the Patricia Hackett Prize, the Springvale, and the FAW Lyndon Hadow Award.

Country of Origin



Series: Cloud Mashlin

Year of Publication

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