Lizzie Quinn thinks she's tough. But when Lizzie is attacked in her local park, she realises just how vulnerable she is. She knows she has to get her confidence back. The thing is, she's scared of her own shadow these days.

Lizzie Q, why so blue?

Then she receives a letter in the mail, unsigned. Her stupid friends...or maybe her shortlived boyfriend? But they all deny it.

More letters arrive and Lizzie begins to think someone is watching her.

She has a stalker.


Tina Shaw

TINA SHAW has published a wide range of fiction for adults and children. Her short stories have been published in anthologies, literary magazines, and been broadcast on Radio New Zealand. She has held the Buddle Findlay Sargeson Fellowship, the Creative New Zealand Berlin Writers’ Residency, and was the 2005 Writer in Residence at the University of Waikato. Her latest publication is the Bateman New Zealand Writer's Handbook. She is a manuscript assessor and creative writing tutor, and her website is

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