Venice, 1762. As Carnevale bursts across the city revellers take to the streets in masks and lavish costumes to lose themselves in pleasure. Yet while Venetians celebrate, a nightmare is about to unfold . . .

Laudomia Codussi, a beautiful young woman tormented by terrifying visions, takes a lover and is drawn into his dangerous obsession with opium. When a series of gruesome murders is revealed, Laudomia embarks on an urgent quest to unmask the killer. Until she can separate reality from fantasy, no one is safe – least of all herself. But in a city transformed by illusion, who can say what is real and what is not?

in the tradition of Anne Rice and Patrick Suskind, Blood of Dreams is a lush and intoxicating odyssey through the grand palaces, decadent salons and sinister alleyways of eighteenth-century Venice – a journey from which no one will emerge unscathed.


Susan Parisi

Susan Parisi is a dual Canadian-Australian citizen, who lives in Sydney Australia. As a teenager she moved to Australia with her family because her father was on the run from the law.  Clearly the black sheep of the family, she went on to complete postgraduate studies in psychology and get an honest job. Susan had painted and sketched from an early age but a spine-chilling nightmare provided the catalyst to put aside the paintbrush for the pen.  Her first novel, Blood of Dreams, a story of opium, obsession and murder in 18^th century Venice, is the result.

Country of Origin



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