I've actually been dipping into this book for a little while now, so this is more of a Just Finished, than a Currently Reading.

From the Blurb:

They broke free from their workstations and ran giggling down the factory hallways, stopping only to scrawl crude missives on the walls. Transcribed here for your amusement, the most original voices in crime fiction from around the world offer you 27 tales of revulsion, hearbreak and violence.


They broke free from their workstations and ran giggling down the factory hallways, stopping only to scraw crude missives on the walls.  Transcribed here for your amusement, the most original voices in crime fiction from around the world offers you 27 tales of revulsion, heartbreak and violence. Welcome to the First Shift.

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Submitted by Karen on Thu, 12/04/2012 - 07:10 pm