In a vigorous public life spanning 60 years, Abe Saffron has been accused in Australian parliaments, courts and the media of being "Mr Sin", "Gomorrah himself" and a Mr Big of Australian crime. Around the country he's been alleged to be a corrupter of police, politicians and perhaps even the moral fabric of Australian society. But Saffron has always vigorously denied such accusations - even to the extent of taking action in court against those who made them.

His version of the story is that he is one of Australia's most successful self-made men, a devoted father and grandfather and a man with a long history of charitable works. His mother wanted him to be a doctor, but instead he ended up notorious. So just what is the truth about this nice Jewish boy from Annandale? For the first time, Saffron himself, as well as his closest associates, have agreed to give their side of the story.

In this colourful, compelling and minutely researched biography, Duncan McNab explores the life and times of one of Australia's most famous - or infamous - names. In doing so he comes to a very different conclusion about the man popularly known as "Mr Sin".

Year of Publication

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