A special treat read and hurried because the latest one was released last week. I'm fairly sure I'm never going to catch up every again.

From the Blurb:

It's been some time since Rebus was forced to retire, and he now works as a civilian in a cold-case unit. So when a long-dead case bursts back into life, he can't resist the opportunity to get his feed under the CID desk once more. But Rebus is as stubborn and anarchic as ever, and he quickly finds himself in deep with pretty much everyone, including DI Siobhan Clarke.

All Rebus wants to do is uncover the truth. The big question is: can he be the man he once was and still stay on the right side of the law?

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

After five years out in the cold of retirement (literally: he’s been working cold cases as a civilian) Rebus has managed to wangle his way back to CID as a semi-official investigator in Standing in Another Man’s Grave, which also marks five years since our last fictional sighting of him.

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Submitted by Karen on Mon, 11/11/2013 - 07:08 pm