Roger Monk

Roger Monk was born in Adelaide and grew up in country South Australia. He spent many years in banking, latterly as bank secretary before joining the University of South Australia where he has spent the last 25-plus years specialising in organisational behaviour and the psychological implications of business practices, and as a supervisor of honours, masters and Ph.D. students. He has done substantial overseas research and lecturing, holds a doctorate in human and organisational psychology and is a fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia. Whilst the author of numerous academic papers and articles, The Bank Inspector is his first venture into crime writing. He lives in the foothills above Adelaide with his wife, Valerie, a registered nurse, and enjoys writing, reading historical and modern biographies and murder mysteries, gardening and fishing. He has grown and made his own dry Riesling at their property in the Barossa hills.

Country of Origin



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