Karen Cossey

Karen has always written stories, many over the recent years for her writers group. You can download her collection of young children's stories, "Cinderella Sarah" FOR FREE from here: http://www.karencossey.com/childrens-...

Having home-schooled her two children for five years, she tries to put something of her love of family and joy of living into her writing. She lives in beautiful New Zealand, near to the beach, along with her husband, her two kids who are now teenagers, and a very practical People Mover vehicle which looks nothing like the Ferrari she dreams of. Nor the unicorn. Worst of all, it doesn't come with a chauffeur or even a taxi driver so she also dreams about the day her teenagers get their own driving licences. :)

Being a writer she obviously has a cat, who is called Marbles and likes to talk with her other pet, Milly the goat. 


Series: Crime Stopper Kids Mysteries

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