In the 1990s, the Burtons are surviving as best they can, but Jack Burton continues to control his fractured family even in his absence. John has returned to Mallawindy unable to forgive his father and haunted by vengeful thoughts. Ann has three young sons and is soon to have another child, but still grieves for her firstborn daughter, Mandy.


Joy Dettman

Joy Dettman was born in Echuca in Victoria and spent her early years in small country towns in NSW and Victoria. She now lives in Melbourne. A mother of four, she is a full-time writer and author of several award-winning stories. Her first novel Mallawindy was a huge success, and was followed by highly acclaimed novels Jacaranda Blue, Goose Girl, Yesterday's Dust and The Seventh Day.

Country of Origin



Series: Mallawindy

Year of Publication
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