A lawyer on the brink of ruin, 
a paranoid director, 
a dead movie star, 

It is 1952 and showbusiness lawyer Robert L Harvey is on the brink of financial ruin. The Hollywood witch-hunt is putting him out of business. That is, until, he receives a call from movie director, and constant paranoid, Michael Bloom. The big shot has misplaced the film reels of his latest project, the star of which has recently died. Harvey thinks it's a job for the police but the director is adamant he doesn't want his employer, Mayor Studios, to know their investment is lost. Desperate for the money Harvey agrees, but when he delves into a side of the movie industry he's never seen before his priorities have to change…


Eoin Hennigan

Eoin Hennigan is a Sydney-based Irish journalist/novelist with a passion for hardboiled crime fiction. Since his mystery debut with 2006's The Truth, It Lies he has shifted his writing focus to work inspired by the likes of Dashiell Hammett and Jim Thompson. As of early 2008, he is in the process of completing 3 new novels, including the second part of a 'trinity' of works set in a fictional 1950s Hollywood movie studio. He currently works for That's Life! magazine, and can be found reviewing crime novels for its offshoot, That's Life! Fast Fiction.

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