Grammy night, 2021. Ruby wins 'Best Song' and makes an impulsive acceptance speech that excites nature lovers across the world. While Ruby and her band celebrate, an extreme evangelical sect, funded by covert paymasters, dispatches a disciple on a ruthless mission to England.

As the band plays its sold-out tour, Ruby is pursued by eco-groupies insisting she use her new fame to fight climate change.

Back home, in rain-drenched Leeds, Ruby must confront a challenge not even tea, beer or her mum's veggie lasagne will make go away. In a storm and drought-plagued world, run by cynical old men and self-serving corporations, could one young woman lead change?

Torn between the demands of the climate campaigners and her bandmates, Ruby has to decide how much - and even who - she will sacrifice. 


Katherine Dewar

A seventies child and eighties teen, author Katherine Dewar was raised in North Yorkshire in a house filled with books, computers and animals. She studied politics and worked in Leeds before emigrating to Aotearoa NZ, where she founded a marketing business, GoodSense, to help worthwhile companies and volunteers with the Green Party. Katherine has made up stories for as long as she can remember, exploiting plastic animals as characters before she could wield a pen. Her early writing was encouraged by school clubs, the Arvon Foundation and her endlessly supportive parents. She credits Dame Fiona Kidman’s creative writing course, her local writers’ group and the discipline of crafting client soundbites for getting her writing to a standard to unleash on the world. Katherine loves long walks, loud music, wild places and good books.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication
Review #review Ruby and the Blue Sky, Katherine Dewar
Karen Chisholm
Monday, August 7, 2017
Blog #amreading Ruby and the Blue Sky, Katherine Dewar
Karen Chisholm
Monday, April 24, 2017

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