In this sequel to "In the Blood", Danielle Forester faces a pack of genetically engineered wolves, a trio of watersprites with a passion for muscular tentacles, and three bodies - each with its throat torn out. Are the werewolves the killers? Or are humans more vicious than wolves?


Jackie French

Jackie French's writing career spans 14 years, 39 wombats, 116 books, 19 languages, 8 genres, 3,721 bush rats, over 40 awards in Australia and overseas, 6 possibly insane lyrebirds, assorted 'Burke's Backyard' segments, radio shows, newspaper and magazine columns, theories of pest and weed ecology and 27 shredded back doormats. The doormats are the victims of the wombats who require constant appeasement in the form of carrots, rolled oats and wombat nuts, which is one of the reasons for her prolific output: it pays the carrot bills.

Country of Origin


Series: Danielle Forester

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

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