Beautiful People can do Terrible Things.

A mother out of gaol, hell-bent on vengeance, desperate to be reunited with her son.

An ambitious cop trying to bust a Sydney drug cartel.

A glamorous society couple living the high life - he's a successful lawyer, she's a model.  He's also feeding her growing cocaine and ice habit.

When Detective Sergeant Jill Jackson goes undercover to investigate Sydney's drug lords, these worlds collide.  Soon people are going to get hurt.  


Leah Giarratano

Dr Leah Giarratano has had a long career as a psychologist.  An expert in psychological trauma, sex offences and psychopathology, she has had many years' experience working with victims and psychopaths.  She has worked in psychiatric hospitals, with the Australian Defence Force, and in corrective services with offenders who suffer severe personality disorders.  She has assessed and treated survivors of just about every imaginable psychological trauma, including hostages; war veterans; rape, asult, and accident victims; and has worked with police, fire and ambulance officers.

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Series: Jill Jackson

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