This is the 4th book in the Ed Loy series - a book I've been very much looking forward to.

From the Blurb:

Ed Loy has made some changes.  He has moved into a flat in Dublin's city centre, leaving the family home behind.  Maybe now he can break free from the ghosts of his past.

But when a fifteen-year-old murder case is re-opened, Loy is hired by the victim's daughter to investigate the suspects ignored by the first investigation; a rich property developer, an ex-IRA man and Loy's least favourite sociopath, George Halligan.

Opening Lines:

It would have been one thing if they'd had to camp out for days on end not knowing when their mark was approaching:  two men jammed fast inside a makeshift hide of fencing bales and felled saplings within a hawthorn copse one hundred metres up the hill from the road.

Year of Publication

Ed Loy has made some changes.  He has moved into a flat in Dublin's city centre, leaving the family home behind.  Maybe now he can break free from the ghosts of his past.

But when a fifteen-year-old murder case is re-opened, Loy is hired by the victim's daughter to investigate the suspects ignored by the first investigation:  a rich property developer, an ex-IRA man and Loy's least favourite sociopath, George Halligan.

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Submitted by Karen on Tue, 01/12/2009 - 07:14 pm